Monday, May 10, 2010

Useful information and resources pertaining to fountain benefits.

Alabastrite VS Concrete
Material choices for your fountain.
There are many choices that must be made when choosing the best decorative fountain for your home and garden. Of course you need to decide the placement of your fountain. Will it be in the garden, on the patio, in your entry hall, or that quiet little corner where you relax every evening? This answer will bring you to the choice of materials for the fountain.

There are two primary types of materials that manufactures and artisan use to create fountains. This is a brief description of each type which might possibly help with the decision.

The names polyresin and alabastrite are used interchangeably. Alabastrite is the material name used by manufacturers for polyresin items. So when you see the descriptive phrases for fountains including the terms “made from Alabastrite” or “polyresin fountain,” they are actually both the same. Alabastrite is a white, chalky, crushed stone material which when processed is softer and more transparent than concrete and can be molded easily into fountains with a lot of detail. The molded fountain can then be painted with various colors to produce the works of art we display in our online catalog. Although fountains made from this material can be placed outside in the garden, the water soluble paints can fade and wash away after a couple of years. These fountains are better placed inside the home where dusting is the only cleaning necessary to keep them beautiful for many years.

Concrete fountains are the best choice for outside placement because the material is heavy and harder and withstands the elements. Concrete does allow a certain level of detail and the overall cost of a large fountain is lower. Concrete fountains can be painted, but if used it normally is an overall color for the entire fountain. Some concrete fountain owners prefer the natural weathering and believe it makes fountains lovelier as they age. If desired, apply clear concrete sealer to slow the aging and weathering process. Normally very little upkeep is required unless the fountains are exposed to extremely cold or freezing temperatures. In that instance, if it is not possible to store them in an enclosed area they can be covered with burlap type fabric. If cracks or broken edges should appear it is possible to purchase concrete filler at your local home repair store.

Concrete fountains and polyresin fountains are beautiful additions to any yard, garden, patio and home. With just a little care they stay beautiful for many years and add to the enjoyment of your home.

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