Thursday, October 28, 2010

Doing it Right

Do you ever feel that you must be missing something or not doing something right when you hear people talking about God answering their prayers or leading them each step of their lives? This used to really bother me because when I prayed I was never quite sure that God heard me, that I was saying the right words, that I had persuaded Him to my way of thinking.
 I always thought of Him as something or someone outside of me, “up in the clouds” who would hear everyone’s prayers and then decide which ones were worthy to be granted. If I was particularly concerned about something, I would create in my mind every imaginable “augment” I could think of before I finally went down on my knees. Nothing was more discouraging  that to think that God might answer some prayers and not others, that He might care more for one person than another, might be kind one day and cruel the next, that He created us with free will and then might punish us eternally for making the wrong choices.
But God made promises; Jesus gave us the example of how to pray when he gave us the “The Lord’s Prayer”. All we need is the faith to believe these things that God has promised and each day through prayer accepts His promise to lead, guide, and direct us in everything we do. God can do for us only what God can do through us. It is done unto us as we believe. Putting God first gives me the confidence and self-assurance that each step I take, each word I speak and each thought I make is the right one. I just know it!

God’s Promises

“God is the same yesterday, today and forever”
“The Kingdom of God is within you.”
“If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.”
“Whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do.”
“Pray Believing”
Pray without ceasing……1Thessalonians 5:17
Pray for one another………..James 5:16

Sunday, October 24, 2010 Doing Your Part Doing Your Part

Doing Your Part

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.  2 Chronicles 7:14
    We are reminded in this scripture how important it is to stand up for what we believe in and acknowledge it in all ways. We should remember that our forefathers, at the risk of losing their very lives, but with strong faith in God, wrote the Declaration of Independence on Christian principles, asking for God’s blessing and leadership for our country. The Declaration of Independence declares freedom FOR religion, not freedom AGAINST religion, as some would interpret it today.
    Our criminal court system is set in place to uphold God’s laws (the Ten Commandments.) Our physical world was created and is sustained by God’s law. Isn’t it time that we as Christian individuals take responsibility and ask God to heal our land? We must then love, trust, and obey him enough to do our part as he directs us.
An analogy:
A mountain climber, after reaching a height of 50 feet lost his footing, went tumbling and sliding down the side of the mountain about 20 feet before he was able to grasp a branch and stop his fall. He yelled for help, “Is there anyone up there?" he cried. The Lord answered, “Yes, I am here.”
               Climber: “Lord, please help me or I will surely die.”
               LORD:    “Son, do you love me?”
               Climber: “Yes, Lord, I love You.”
               LORD:    “Will you repent and follow my ways?”
               Climber: “Yes, Lord, I’m asking forgiveness for my sins, and I promise I’ll follow You.”
               LORD:    “Will you obey me?”
               Climber: “Yes, Lord, I’ll do anything You say.”
               LORD:     “Alright, Son, I’ll save you….just turn loose of the limb.”
The climber looked down at the 30 foot drop below him and after a few minutes he replied, “Is there anyone else up there?”
   What would your answer have been?

Saturday, September 25, 2010 Asking the Right Way Asking the Right Way

Asking the Right Way

When Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer he was giving us the information we need in order to have our prayers answered. Right after He praised God’s name, the next line was “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
The Bible tells us Jesus said, “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.” John 15:7
Of course we cannot literally abide in the man Jesus. He wants us to abide in the spirit of His teachings. The whole spirit of his teachings is that God’s work is manifest through us as individuals. We must always ask in our prayers for things that are good and right. Our prayers are answered when they are in true harmony with God and how do we know when they are in true harmony with God? When the prayer is “Thy will be done” not..”my will be done.”
If there is a financial need is your prayer “God, please help me find a better job making more money to cover my bills?” You have to ask yourself, would that really solve the problem? Maybe the condition you are in is because you haven’t learned how to manage money. So God’s lesson is for you to learn how. In that case the prayer should be, “This is the need, Your will be done.”
If the need is health is your prayer, “God, please make me well?” Maybe the condition was caused because you haven’t developed healthy “habits” and God’s less is for you to learn to be healthier in your lifestyle. Your prayer should be, “This is the need, Your will be done.”
Believe me, in God’s infinite wisdom, He does not need us to make the plan, all He wants us to do is ask believing and he will not disappoint us.
If a “plan” does come to you and you are not sure that it’s God’s guidance, simply take the first step, always praying that if it not God’s will He defeat you in carrying out the plan. This really works and when it happens that it was not God’s plan but your plan and you are left thinking, “ok, that wasn’t right so now what do I do?” God’s way will open up for you and it will be much easier and better than you could ever devise with your own thinking. Maybe God will bring into your life will someone who can help you be a better money manager or someone (even a stranger) who has the same health problem as you and has seen a doctor who specializing in that health problem.
Many of you have already experienced and know “letting go and letting God” really works, so keep praying, believing. Maybe if you haven’t tried it, you will. Thanks letting me share.

Friday, September 17, 2010 How Can I Help You? How Can I Help You?: "The particular need to have concern for one’s neighbors regardless of family connection or religion came from Jesus’ example. Actually it wa..."

How Can I Help You?

The particular need to have concern for one’s neighbors regardless of family connection or religion came from Jesus’ example. Actually it wasn’t part of his teaching, it was central to what is unique in Christ’s message and the whole story that his life represented, that GOD became flesh and dwelt among us. In Christ’s message all materiality and everyone - saint and sinner is God appearing. Unless we honor strangers as well as our own families, that message has no meaning to us, and we cannot call ourselves followers of Christ.
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the Jews saw a Samaritan, their enemy, take time, money and effort to help a disabled Jew. That represents another principle that is unique to Christianity, forgiveness. We are all off springs of one God and until we help each other, pray for each other, and forgive each other, family or foe, we deny charity and deny that we are all a part of GOD.
Sometimes it is easier to forgive a stranger than to forgive our closest love one. We alienate ourselves from family because of some perceived slight or words spoken and interpreted in the wrong context. These hurts build and build until they reach insurmountable heights. If we have a problem with forgiving others, we can begin to solve the problem in a way that has nothing to do with forgiveness…appreciation. The best way to forgive is to start appreciating, appreciating the good in others. Everyone has some virtue, because we are all made in the image of GOD.
Perhaps throughout his whole life, Jesus’ message was “Appreciate yourself, add to yourself by seeing the good in your brother. Then you will see it in yourself. Then will you include everyone in your love.”

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Its Not Why, But How We Handle Things Its Not Why, But How We Handle Things

Its Not Why, But How We Handle Things

So many times after a tragedy we hear the words, “Why did God allow this to happen to me? I am a good person and try to live the right kind of life..why me?” and the reply. “We don’t always understand God’s will, but we know he allowed this to happen for a reason.” WRONG. God didn’t make the choice that led to the circumstances or consequences that we find ourselves in. He gave us free will and a conscious so we could make choices. Sometimes we are so burdened and grief-stricken by things that happen because of other people choices we might feel that God is punishing us for some forgotten and unforgiven sin, but I believe that God is so loving and caring that He forgives me for all my shortcomings every time I acknowledge them and ask for forgiveness. It’s ourselves who won’t forgive ourselves. We can feel sad, but not guilty for circumstances that happened because of a bad choice.
When you are faced with a problem, instead of trying to get God to do something about it, simply think about what God is, health, happiness, fulfillment, peace, harmony, companionship and as long as you have the “breath of life” in this body, God’s spirit is right here in you. If God is all these things and He is in you, how can you be anything but perfect? It does no good to try to ‘talk’ God into doing something about your discord, only you can do this.
God is my Father, He made me. His plan is for me to be happy, healthy, caring and to be his work manifest here on earth. This is I do daily by accepting his guidance, leadership and direction in each and every choice I must make each day. God uses us to make things happen…it’s up to us to make sure we use God’s choices in our lives.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Remember the Important Things

A story is told about a man who was very lonely and felt a great void in his life. He decided that he would buy a bird and thereby have something that would talk to him in the evenings when he returned home from work.
He went into the pet ship and the owner of the shop showed him his very most talkative bird. “You will need a bird cage I’m sure,” said the shop owner to the man, “we have those also.” The man took the bird and the cage home and after a couple of days the bird still had not spoken a word, so the man went back to the pet shop to company to the owner. “Oh,” said the owner, “the bird is used to having a ladder to climb on, I sell those, take one home to your bird and I’m sure he will talk.” After another couple of days the bird had still not spoken a word, so the man went back to the pet store to tell the owner. “Oh,” said the man “He probably needs a mirror, I sell those, here take this home and put it in the cage, and then I’m sure the bird will talk.”
“Well, he had better talk, “said the man,” this bird has cost me a fortune and has not been one bit of company.” Upon returning home he placed the mirror in the cage and the bird, seeing his reflection in the mirror and thinking it was another bird, mustered up his last bit of strength and said, “Good luck, maybe the shop owner will remember to sell him some bird seed before it’s too late for you.”
Think about it, so many times our lives are filled with things we think will make us happy, but the truth is, sometimes we forget the most important thing, to put God first in our life.

Trust in the Lord and do good; so will you dwell in the land, and verily you shall be fed. Psalms 37:3

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


From the birth of her fine strapping son, the mother had dreamed that he would become an Olympic swimmer. The son grew in strength and height and by practicing every day he became the very best swimmer.

On the day before a big competition, mother and son went to the ocean for a dress rehearsal. As her son swam confidently into the magnificent ocean the proud mother watched.

Soon he was so far away from the shore she could barely see him, when suddenly he began to flail his arms and she could see that he was in trouble she began to scream for someone to help her. A man came to stand by her side and she pleaded with him to help her son. He agreed to help the woman and they stood on the shore and watched the young man in the water thrash and flail with both arms making the waters around him froth with his struggles.

Finally the young man became very still and began to slip beneath the waters. The man on the shore dived into the waters, swam out to the semi-conscious young man and brought him safely back to shore. After performing artificial respiration, the young man opened his eyes and looked into the face of his distraught mother. The mother gave a sign of relief and looked at the man who had saved her son. "Oh thank you, thank you for saving my son," said the mother, and then with a little irritation in her voice she said, "but tell me, why did you wait so long?" The man answered, "Well I knew I could reach him in time, but I had to wait until he stopped struggling and trying to save himself or he would probably have drowned both of us."

It is simple, and so many of us wear ourselves out with the struggle, if we just let go and let God, He has the answer to any problem and He has promised us through Jesus, that if we just ask and believe He will show us the way.

"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it" Isaiah 30:21

"Light will shine on your ways: Job 22:28

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Little More Faith

The magazine made it look great AND easy. There was a picture of a large green, grassy lawn with a full description of this special drought resistant, high quality, organic grass and turf seed, which had been specially tested and guaranteed to grow in our area. Pretty expensive, but when you compared that picture with our front lawn (which looked like a WW2 battlefield when the workmen finished building our home) it was worth it and besides, the sample I had received and planted was already beginning to take hold. So, we went for it…nothing ventured you know?
It was already mid June when our expensive see arrived and as you might remember, this year we went directly from winter to summer..not much cool spring weather. So mid June was hot and dry, but we sowed our seed and proceeded to water and fertilize it. Daily we checked on the progress, nothing yet. Mid July, a few sprigs of something came up in our flowerbeds, not exactly where we wanted if it was grass. We didn't know for sure because we weren't even sure what our grass would look like as seedlings. Late July, the rain came, not soft gently rain, but torrential rains and with nothing to hold the top soil we experienced lots of 'wash'. OK, so maybe the seed was not a good idea, we better do something else. So we sodden just around the area where the most wash had occurred and we spent about the same amount of money on sod as we had on the seed..WE kept saying to me (seed was after all, my idea) that we really messed up on that decision and wasted a lot of money. It is now November and guess what, we have little sprigs of grass cropping up all over the place, millions of little now we're thinking 'with just a little bit of faith and a few less doubts we could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble and expense.'
Letting go and letting God is a lot like that ..things happen in God's good time, not ours! But be assured, it will happen and it will be the right time and the right thing for us if God is in charge. God intervenes in the affairs of men by invitation only, Prayer.
For We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight …2 Corinthians 5:7 Preview "A Little More Faith" Preview "A Little More Faith"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Little Bit of History

            In 1995 I moved to a little country village that was located 7 miles east of the nearest city. Although it only had one place of business, a gas station, diner, and small grocery all in one building, it did have one old historic building.  A beautiful old wooden church building that was built in 1867 situated in the middle of an old cemetery with headstones dated from 1865. One room, pitted old oak floors, 4 ceiling to mid waist glass windows on each side, solid wooden pews, and a small platform with a speaker's podium. You can still see the pitted bullet holes in the boards behind the platform where an actual shootout reportedly took place inside the church. After all this town was the birthplace of Clyde Barrow of the infamous Bonnie and Clyde team
            If this old church could only talk! It started out with a Presbyterian congregation, then became a Baptist church, then weathered a tornado in 1960 and was repaired. It wasn't until years later that the old steeple was discovered hidden in the attic and placed in its rightful position on the roof. The last recorded church service was held in 1961. It seemed a shame that such a beautiful and inspirational old church should stand silent and alone. The other part of the story is that my house was the second house of three situated on the gravel road that dead ended into the church/cemetery grounds. It was easily within walking distance from my house.
             My husband and I petitioned the cemetery committee to allow church services on Sunday mornings and with their permission we organized a revolving group of laymen from every denomination to alternately lead our little community in worship. Before long our little church was full to capacity again and the Christmas Candle lighting ceremony was standing room only. That was by the way, some of the best years of my life.
            The point of this little bit of history is to explain the blogs that I am going to publish. Back then each week I sent out a newsletter to the congregation, they seemed to enjoy these little bits of wit and wisdom and recently while cleaning, I ran across the Church Folder. After looking over them, I decided I wanted to share these messages with anyone interested.
·        A Little More Faith
·        Aspirations
·        Handling Opportunities
·        Remember the Important Things
·        It's Not What Happens to Us, But How We Respond
·        How Can I Help You?
·        The Plan
·        Don't Miss the Point
·        Stoic Faith
·        What Do I Do?
·        How Much Do I Trust Him?
·        What Do I Have to Do?
·        Gratitude
·        A Brighter Fresher Mind
·        Just Give Him the Letters

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Perfect Solution for Electrical Concerns:

Fairy Solar Powered Outdoor Fountain
 So you’ve planned the perfect back yard garden from pathways and pavings, all the way to drought tolerant shrubs and flowers. Just remember one of the most important things essential for a well designed garden is the lighting system and water feature enhancements. So many people get to this point and decide digging trenches for electrical cables, remembering to use the off and on switch, and paying higher utility bills is something they can live without. But suppose you could choose the perfect garden fountain, decide the exact position for it in your landscape, including lights to show it off and not have to worry about providing electrical outlets to make it all work. Just suppose that there was a perfect solution, a solar powered outdoor fountain, the answer that would provide the energy to run a quiet pump all day long, provide a pleasing aesthetic look, use low voltage and be placed out of sight, away from the actual fountain.  You’ve probably guessed by now we are talking about one of the most wonderful technological advances of our time, solar power. Every day the sun covers the earth with approximately 1,000 watts of solar energy per square meter of the earth. This energy is either reflected by the surface of the earth or absorbed. If a solar panel is located where the sun’s energy can be absorbed, the panel will convert the energy to electrical energy. If a fountain pump is energized by solar energy it will run continually at no cost. There are some negatives to solar energy of course, if the sun doesn’t shine there is no energy to absorb so the pump may stop. The panel must be located in a place of direct sun. The good news is, the sun will shine again and the fountain pump will start again, without any servicing. The solar pump itself requires very little if any maintenance and installation is simply plug it into the solar source. Please browse and choose a fountain from our unique collection of solar powered outdoor fountains or a solar fountain conversion kit. If you have questions, we can help.      
Jody Foster

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Falls Colors

Think of all the wonderful golds, brown, and bronze colors of Fall and make a plan to add some to your own gardens. Of course, you will want a multitude of chrysanthemum in all colors. Create a focus around your garden fountain with a mass of yellow chrysanthemum in pots of various sizes. Sprinkle in a few begonias and impatiens for good measure. Depending on where you live it may be a little early for pansies, but do keep them in mind, those happy little faces can't help but make you smile.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hooray! I'm back online

Big news...after 3 weeks of preparation, I finally am back on-line. I love the new hosting company, they are really easy to work with. Looking forward to a visit from you soon. Jody

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Difference in Rain and Water

Every day during the extremely hot June weather I watered my flower beds. Everything looked as if it was barely hanging onto life. The roses had no buds or blooms, in fact, all of the flowers that usually keep me happy during the hot summer months looked like they had contacted fatal diseases.

My attempts at fertilizing were futile. It seemed the more I watered the worse things looked. In desperation I ventured out with my handy pruning shears and dead-headed every flowering plant in sight. I had read that a blooming plant's mission in life is to produce seeds in order to proliferate for future generations, therefore the more blooms the more seeds. When dead headed, which by the ways means to cut off the blooms before they turn to seed, the plant will produce more and more blooms in an effort to fulfill its mission.

By the time I was finished dead-heading roses, cutting back Iris, Butterfly Bushes, and geraniums, my yard looked like it had warped back to the ending of the long hard winter months. I didn't even want to think about gardening much less go out and look at mine.

Just as I was getting ready to take bids on cementing the entire area around my house, July came with unusually rainy weather. This was surely a sign that I should have more faith! We had rain almost every day for about 3 weeks. I began to wonder if somehow I had been miraculously and mysteriously relocated to Seattle.

The cooler weather and RAIN brought my garden back to life. It seems that all the fertilizing and dead heading paid off handsomely and for the remainder of July my roses bloomed profusely. They are still blooming, but the hard August sun makes the rose bushes appear to have become Moses' burning bush. The geraniums however seemed to be fully recovered and I believe my re-blooming Iris has regained enough strength they will be able to do their thing for the rest of the summer.

It was absolutely amazing to me the difference between a few rain showers and watering everyday made in my garden. Of course the cooler weather brought on from the rain clouds would make some difference, but a portion of my garden is in deep shade, and the rain as opposed to the water made as great a difference there as in the full sun area. My newest research is being done in the area of rain barrels or larger garden fountains. I plan to have several before next summer.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Butterflies are free...

We hear a lot about "going green" and organic gardening, but the reasons given are sometimes broad terms, like "save the environment" or "preserve the ozone." These are very wonderful goals from a generalist view. However, being just one little person, the attempt to save the environment or preserve the ozone seem pretty far out of reach for me as an individual. And besides with everyone else doing their part, I'm sure it will get done. Wrong!

But I believe if we can determine a real need that we as individuals can perform and accomplish, then the overall goals can be reached. So having done some research on how important butterflies are to our environment and to our health, and how endangered they are. I decided to plan a Butterfly theme for my garden.
First some facts about butterflies:
Butterflies don't sting, or bite, or carry disease.
Butterflies most important job is as pollinators.
Butterflies are indicators of the balance of nature.
There are over 300 species of Butterflies.

Butterflies can smell and locate the kinds of plants they prefer from a long way off, long before they can see the bright colors.

So how do you plan a garden that will attract butterflies. Remember visiting the countryside and seeing dozens of beautiful butterflies flitting from one flower variety to the next in the large open field. Well as housing developments and industrial building begin to appear and the wide open meadows disappear, the butterflies have fewer options. This has endangered the proliferation of the butterflies as well as loss of bees. Two major pollinators necessary to feed our population. Loss of wide open fields and meadows are not the only problems butterflies encounter, there are also many predators just waiting to feed on the larvae and caterpillars they evolve into a beautify butterfly.

It is important to realize that butterflies need two specific types of plants for their livelihood. One type of plant for storing their larvae and one type to provide nectar. So what to do? Don't just start planting.
The plan:
Determine the available space, and how much shade and full sun there is in this space. This is important to the success of plant growth. If garden space is limited consider using pots or barrels strategically placed. Depending on your climate consider planting citrus trees in pots so they can be taken inside during the cold weather. Citrus trees are a butterflies' favorite.

Determine how much money and time you have available for this project and be realistic. Planting perennials is a real money saver as they will return the following spring. Lantana, black-eyed Susan, purple coneflower, yarrow and butterfly weed are a few perennials especially attractive to butterflies. Annuals such as salvia, zinnia, verbena, penta and cosmos attract butterflies, but will have to be planted each year. Organic nurseries or nurseries' that specialize in native plants are excellent places to search for "butterfly attracting" plants. Butterflies love vines! Plant as many as you can, passion flowers, honeysuckle, Carolina jasmine. These also return year after year when properly mulched in the Fall. Remember that butterflies require water for drinking and hygiene. Provide a soft flowing garden fountain or logs with small hollows that capture rain water for them. Some butterflies are attracted to red and orange blooms, others like white, yellow, purple and pink. So just plan for lots of different colors. Plant your flowers in dense clumps, not spread out. This gives the butterfly camouflage protection from predators.

About the predators. The butterflies' predators include birds, spiders, parasite wasps that actually use the caterpillars to lay their eggs inside, and insecticides. Extreme care should be used when using insecticides against butterfly predators. Some of these will actually kill the butterfly you are trying to protect. This is why developing an "organic" butterfly garden it so important. It just allows nature itself to provide a balance between predator and butterfly.
Do your research. Check out websites such as
Get the kids involved through websites such as

I really think I may be reincarnated from a butterfly. What I have just described is the very type of garden I myself enjoy most. Hope you do too.
The Fountainlady

Friday, May 28, 2010

Solar Garden Fountains and Summer Colors

26 May 2010

We still have a few weeks of Spring, and I'm noticing my roses are budding out for another profusion of blooms. I am in love with the Knock Out Roses. For Mother's Day I received a lovely pink bush, got it into the ground immediately and am enjoying the lovely little pink buds and blooms. Those roses are amazing all Summer long!.

The impatiens will continue to add lots of color to the summer garden, although not in the same abundance as early Spring. The white/pink variegated caladiums will also do well if you were able to plant them in a semi shaded position in the garden. These make a brilliant setting for a solar garden fountain, surrounding red hyacinths. Of course, moss rose, periwinkle, verbena and zinnias will bloom for you all summer, and are somewhat drought resistant. The rose moss and periwinkle do really well in direct sun, while the verbena and zinnias enjoy partial shade.

The fragrance of the white "Easter" lily planted next to the back patio is reason enough for me to be in the garden in the early morning with a cup of coffee, but listening to the birds as they dart in and out of their homes watching over their new families adds to my enjoyment. Be careful about taking that last long look at the garden before leaving for work if you are wearing perfume less the ever thirsty hummingbirds mistake you for their morning treat. In my garden they seem to have no fear. Speaking of hummingbirds, they love bright colored blooming vines and vines for summer color include clock vine, cypress vine, Malabar spinach, and morning glory. One of the perks of attracting all those birds to the great wooden bird houses is they eat the morning glory seeds and them "drop" them in your vines!

Now is the time to plant cannas, purple coneflowers, day lilies, gladiolus, gloriosa daisies, hardy hibiscus and salvia. These are perennials and with winter mulching will return year after year to provide summer color. I am amazed at the increase in the number of gardeners. It seems the nurseries supplies begin to run short earlier and earlier each growing season. So don't delay too much longer. Something I have discovered is the 50% to 75% off racks that some of the nurseries use to sell rather than have to throw out plants that are beginning to look worn. Some of my best plants were just such discards, which with special tender loving care turned out to be my best plants. A word of caution, some don't make it. But those that do seems to be so grateful, they bloom more extravagantly than the full price plants.

Jody Foster

Monday, May 10, 2010

Useful information and resources pertaining to fountain benefits.

Alabastrite VS Concrete
Material choices for your fountain.
There are many choices that must be made when choosing the best decorative fountain for your home and garden. Of course you need to decide the placement of your fountain. Will it be in the garden, on the patio, in your entry hall, or that quiet little corner where you relax every evening? This answer will bring you to the choice of materials for the fountain.

There are two primary types of materials that manufactures and artisan use to create fountains. This is a brief description of each type which might possibly help with the decision.

The names polyresin and alabastrite are used interchangeably. Alabastrite is the material name used by manufacturers for polyresin items. So when you see the descriptive phrases for fountains including the terms “made from Alabastrite” or “polyresin fountain,” they are actually both the same. Alabastrite is a white, chalky, crushed stone material which when processed is softer and more transparent than concrete and can be molded easily into fountains with a lot of detail. The molded fountain can then be painted with various colors to produce the works of art we display in our online catalog. Although fountains made from this material can be placed outside in the garden, the water soluble paints can fade and wash away after a couple of years. These fountains are better placed inside the home where dusting is the only cleaning necessary to keep them beautiful for many years.

Concrete fountains are the best choice for outside placement because the material is heavy and harder and withstands the elements. Concrete does allow a certain level of detail and the overall cost of a large fountain is lower. Concrete fountains can be painted, but if used it normally is an overall color for the entire fountain. Some concrete fountain owners prefer the natural weathering and believe it makes fountains lovelier as they age. If desired, apply clear concrete sealer to slow the aging and weathering process. Normally very little upkeep is required unless the fountains are exposed to extremely cold or freezing temperatures. In that instance, if it is not possible to store them in an enclosed area they can be covered with burlap type fabric. If cracks or broken edges should appear it is possible to purchase concrete filler at your local home repair store.

Concrete fountains and polyresin fountains are beautiful additions to any yard, garden, patio and home. With just a little care they stay beautiful for many years and add to the enjoyment of your home.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Decorative Fountains for Your Garden

Decorative Fountains are a positive way to enhance the tranquility and charm of any garden. The waterfall fountains are especially beneficial in creating positive energy necessary for adding healthful, relaxing sounds to any room. The multiple levels of a waterfall fountain increases these soothing sounds.

Table Fountains also have a special place in your garden. The tinkling, harmonious sounds attract song birds and other small animals that make sitting in your garden entertaining and peaceful. Again, electricity is no problem. Several varieties of solar powered fountains are available to choose from, Courtyard, patio and wall fountains to create different ambiances. If you have a large garden area you may want to have several different styles. Contemporary, Victorian, or European, anything is possible.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Solar Fountain

I am so excited. I received my new Asian Temple Solar  garden fountain on Tuesday. It looks fly in the ointment...the sun hasn't shined since I got it. Fortunately, it has an ac adapter so when the solar is not charged, it automatically switches to the auxiliary power. So I can see how lovely it looks and sounds...just can't check the solar yet.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Consider the Options

Decorative Fountains are a positive way to enhance the tranquility and charm of any home. The waterfall fountains are especially beneficial in creating positive energy necessary for adding healthful, relaxing sounds to any room. The multiple levels of a waterfall fountain increases these soothing sounds. There is a great selection of table top fountains created from various materials, different shapes, and sizes. Depending on your personal taste, fountains range from fantasy to nostalgia. Suitable for a baby’s nursery or the library you’re sure to want more than one. If electrical outlets are not available, there are fountains that operate by battery. There are even glass top tables that have a fountain as the base. Another benefit of decorative fountains is they make the perfect gift. Gifting for special occasions such as Mother’s Day, Christmas, Birthdays and Valentine’s Day and for your boss or co-workers.

Fountains also have a special place in your garden. The tinkling, harmonious sounds attract song birds and other small animals that make sitting in your garden entertaining and peaceful. Again, electricity is no problem. Several varieties of solar powered fountains are available to choose from, Courtyard, patio and wall fountains to create different ambiances. If you have a large garden area you may want to have several different styles. Contemporary, Victorian, or European, anything is possible.

Friday, February 19, 2010

It takes 6 to make a village.

It takes 6 to make a village. Check out our Birdhouse special that will help turn a small backyard into one with personality and become a haven for all your feathered friends.

Buy 5 get one free!!!

In honor of Spring, the wonderful season of new beginnings, is offering a fantastic special on our wide selection of Birdhouses. Buy 5 and get one FREE. You have a choice of the free Birdhouse up to the cost of the most expensive Birdhouse you buy. . This is the way it works. Purchase the five birdhouses of your choice by ordering directly from our website. When you receive the email from acknowledging your order, you reply to the email and include the name and number of the FREE birdhouse you choose. Your FREE birdhouse will be shipped to you under separate cover. Nothing could be easier, but remember it’s a limited time offer so make your selection today. Just a note…the birds have already begun checking out the local accommodations.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Detour Birdhouse Ahead.

Isn’t it fun sometimes to start out knowing exactly where you are going and how you will get there, only to discover there is a detour, so you take a different route and have an entirely unexpected, fun experience? Check out articles in my website for the story.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Its Spring...Look out for the birds!

Literally, take the first steps to create a cute little "birdhouse community" for your fine feathered friends. Enjoy their antics all summer long! Goes great with that little fountain out there in the garden. (Or maybe the one your planning to put out there !)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Winter Daydreaming

Those cold wintry days are perfect for planning Springtime gardens. Fortunately, I have a large collection of birdhouses to choose from at When Springtime finally arrives I look forward to early mornings, setting in my glider on the patio, drinking a wonderful cup of hot, steaming coffee, and watching a wide variety of my fine feathered friends bathe in the water of the garden fountains, flit from tree limb to tree limb, feed their tiny offsprings, and enjoy their fine homes. As the days go by and my daydreams have become reality I can only appreciate those cold, wintry days when I had time to dream the dream that made all this possible.

Monday, January 4, 2010

(non)-traditional Valentine's ideas.

Getting ready for the most romantic day of the year? Not sure how to show love and appreciation in a gift that will be appreciated over and over again? Some people give flowers, chocolates and cards with love poems, these are traditional and great, but how about giving a sophisticated gift of timeless symbols of love; a gift of romance that can create an atmosphere and ambiance of calm peacefulness and romance. Consider the mood and message you want to convey to celebrate the real meaning of Valentines Day with a gift that will inspire surprise and keep showing your feelings over and over. Our collection of romantic fountains, either indoors or out is the perfect gift for your sweetheart for Valentines Day. Give a Valentine of thoughtfulness, warm personal attachment and deep affection, order today